
Solar Panels

A momentous occasion took place this week (Monday 8th July 2024) when Eddie Baikie signed a contract with Jason from Green View to supply and install solar panels and batteries at the Club, the finance has been provided by Rastrick Big Local and will save the club approx £300,000 over the next 20 years.

Pavilion Windows

Fundraising during 2023 including Race Night, Donations and Raffles had raised £5180.60 further fundraising and donations in 2024 has raised a further £3000 making a total of £8180.60 which has enabled us to replace the windows in the Pavilion. The first two pictures show the pavilion prior to replacement.

The pictures below show work in progress.

All complete! Side view

Front view

Car Park edging

Thanks to all volunteers led by Michael Hollindrake who painted all the pavement edging in the car park.

The Bowling Green

This year we have engaged a professional 'Green Keeper' - "The Green Doctor" he has already made an excellent start with closed season treatments and cutting so all ready for opening on 21st March 2024

Jubilee Weekend - 3rd to 5th June 2022

Our Jubilee weekend raised £776.00

We have sent £388.00 to OVERGATE and £388.00 to FORGET ME NOT

A huge thanks to everyone who helped organise, took part or contributed.

Including these ladies who ran the Tombola stall! 

Jubilee Tombola
Jubilee Tombola

Race Night Review - 24th February 2023

The race night was to raise funds for new pavilion windows. Attendance was over 100. Everyone seemed to have a really good night and the feedback was excellent. We raised £563.Photo shows final race owners who each bought the winner of six previous races, the auction raised £148

Children's Christmas Party Fund.

The collection bottle on the bar - proceeds for Children's Christmas Party has raised £180.50, thank you to everyone that contributed. 

The Big Pub Quiz

Held on Thursday 9th November 2023. Raised £214 for Overgate Hospice
